Patent circumvention is an exciting engineering discipline that can certainly be understood as an innovation method. TEQABLE is an engineering service provider with extensive experience in the appropriate methodology.
SonntagsZeitung, 30.06.2019
Ms. Widmer, let’s assume a company wants to develop a product and then finds out that a function has already been patented. What should this company do now?
In such cases, we congratulate our customer, because for a patent to be granted, the idea had to be new and have inventive value. Thus, a solution that has already been patented is first of all an implicit praise. And there are ways to circumvent a patent.
Is this legal?
Unlike a patent infringement, patent circumvention is, of course, legal. And precisely because we are not allowed to do something, we look for new, better ways based on the state of the art. This is how progress is made, even with the possibility of registering your own property right.
How do you approach patent circumvention?
First of all, let’s try to decipher the problem that the invention has to solve. Then we deal intensively with all conceivable active principles that can meet this requirement and compare the features with those of the existing patent. We always rely on principles that are as far away as possible.
Is it worth it?
Within a day we are able to assess this together with you.
You seem very confident?
We always marvel at how quickly people give up as soon as another patent shows up. But a patent per se is an ideal source for the next innovation.